Training Plan Data Sheet Complete this form to receive a free Customized Training PlanName: First Last Position/Title:Email: Phone:Facility Name And Type:Mailing Address:Example: The New Arena 1000 Main Street Anytown, OH 12345I have the following staff: (enter the approximate number of staff in the box below each category)Example:Parking Lot:Ticket Sellers:Ticket Takers:Ushers:Guest Relations:Security:Total Supervisors:Suite Attendants:Wait Staff:Bartenders:F&B Counter:F&B Hawkers:Merchandise Sellers:Front Office Staff:Other:My staff is available for training at the following times:List any special timing needs or constraints below:Weekdays:Select OneMorningAfternoonEveningSaturday:Select OneMorningAfternoonEveningSunday:Select OneMorningAfternoonEveningList any special priorities that your custom training plan must take into account:I currently provide the following training for my staff: (topics, length, frequency, conducted by whom)I have a professional trainer(s) on staff: Yes No My supervisors conduct training: Yes No I would be interested in having the following training and education conducted in-house for my staff: Supervisor/Manager Skills Customer Service/Guest Relations Skills Train-the-Trainer Recruiting/Selection Interviewing Painless Performance Reviews Secret Shopper Program Surveys and Focus Groups Crowd Management Management Retreat OtherWho else must approve any training and budget?EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. This iframe contains the logic required to handle Ajax powered Gravity Forms.